Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Moving to a new site!
Be sure to sign up for email updates so you can be the first to know when we write a new post!!
Thanks so much! We hope to see you there!!!!
-Eli & Julie-
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Going National
For us this is extremely exciting, and we're very eager to see the ad in print.
Eli has been working pretty consistently on ads for magazines or paper publications over the last year or two. Up until now they have pretty much all been local (G Magazine, The Journal, etc), with the exception of one or two. However, this ad will be the first national one to give him photo credits, and you can't beat that!
This April, llyn Strong will be participating in a large show called SOFA, The International Expositions of Sculpture Objects and Functional Art, in New York City. It's going to be a really big show for llyn, and a really big show needs a really awesome ad! Cut to Eli designing the following ad (gorgeous in my opinion!):

Not only did Eli shoot a fantastic and pristine photo (one of llyn's extravagant pieces coupling a functional art piece with a beautiful ornate ring in the shape of an angel's wing), but he also designed this beautiful ad, which will grace the pages of American Craft Magazine on April 1st. We're really hoping that this will bring the business some more widespread attention, and maybe even some national jobs! But either way, having his name in a national magazine is extremely exciting for Eli, and I just can't wait to get my hands on some of those magazines!
We hope you will get the opportunity to check out the ad as well, and be sure to let your friends or fellow artists know to look for it!
Until next time!
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
February Portrait Session
Eli was contacted by the owner of a local marketing firm (and fellow artist) Holly Deitz about doing some portraits for one of her clients, Scotty Roberson (an investigator for an attorney).Eli was excited to take the job and about the challenge of meeting Holly's request for edgy headshots. He spent plenty of time testing lighting and doing research in preparation. The shoot lasted a few hours, and Eli took hundreds of photos. He shot some in the studio as well as outside around Greenville. Of course there were MANY impressive shots, and both clients were very happy with the outcome. So now's the time where I show you the images from the shoot and let you be impressed! Enjoy!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Our Fun Shoot
Well, it's been quite a busy month for us here at the studio. We've had consistent work (a very good thing!), which is why I haven't been updating the blog as often as we would like. But here we are, connecting again!
We recently had one job which was a lot of fun for us, so let me tell you about it! Apparently Greer High School does a professional shadowing program where the students have to choose a professional to shadow for a while to learn about their profession, and get a backstage pass to how things work in that particular business. So since Eli is a master in his own right, he was chosen by a Greer High student to be shadowed on a photo shoot. There was a shoot in particular he'd been wanting to do for a long time, and this seemed like the perfect opportunity to schedule a 'for fun' photo shoot. So Eli contacted side-show performer Tim March about doing his portrait, and he was more than happy to participate.
After meeting up with Alexa (a student at Greer High) and her father Dave, we all headed over to the top floor of a local garage for the shoot. Eli had a few tricks up his sleeve for this shoot, and he surely kept us all busy helping.
We all had a great time for the few hours of our shoot, and could not wait to see the photos...
So without further ado, here are two of the finished shots. I hope you think they're as cool as I do!
~Until next time~
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Changes & Updates
We've been making little changes here and there along the way, but we made an exciting one for us this past weekend. Eli has been really wanting to have a sitting area for meetings, just a little comfortable space to welcome new clients and a place for our repeat clients to relax!
So last weekend we went in search of a way to make a nice little meeting space and sitting area. And where else would we go, but IKEA? It's honestly one of our favorite places to go, and this time was no different. We spent a good 3-4 hours just browsing through section after section of furniture, deciding what might work now, and what we can add to the studio in the future. It was lots of fun! And lucky for us, we hit the jackpot with a couple sales, some cool new items, and now we have a sitting area! We're both very excited that we can welcome clients to our new studio addition! So here you go, a couple photos of the new space - Eli did a fantastic job choosing colors and arranging everything together...

Sunday, January 16, 2011
New Year, New Work!
It's a whole new year, and things have been rather busy. We did enjoy our snow break, and hope you did too! But with the new year has come a list of new jobs that we've been having a lot of fun with.
We've shot some artwork, some jewelry, an interior, and just recently, some furniture. Eli's been working more than double time to get everything done and doesn't ever seem to slow down! But the hard work has been really worth it...

This is one of the photos of a beautiful table that Eli shot just the other day, crafted by artist John Thomas. Eli was really excited to shoot this table as it's been a little while since we've had some furniture in the studio to shoot. We're hoping to get some more in soon, to add to our portfolio!
But whether it's pottery, flat artwork, interiors, portraits, or even furniture... remember we're eager to photograph it all! And keep checking back because we are gearing up for some new promotions!
Thanks everyone!
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Our first job upon coming back was a really fun one too, so we wanted to share. One of our first clients, and a very good friend, Pat Kilburg, came in to get some headshots. The shots came out great and we're all very pleased with the outcome. But another fun part of the job was learning about what she needed the shots for.
So it turns out that Pat is involved in a program for artists throughout the United States called "ART in Embassies". The program's mission is to take original works of art from artists in the states, and to display it in one of about 180 American diplomatic residences worldwide. They take the program very seriously, and take extreme care with every piece of artwork that they place in a residence, which is always really cool to hear about. They've got residences in so many places in the world, some that we've never even heard of!
Our job was to provide Pat with a headshot that the organization needs, and we also got to photograph her beautiful tapestry/fabric art that will soon be hanging in an embassy residence in another country for 2.5-3 years! We got to hear all about the process, and the way everything works and are proud to have had some part in the process with Pat.

Congratulations, Pat, on this awesome opportunity!! You can see more of Pat's work in various mediums at her website HERE.